In the beginning of August, in the city of Kazan, a training workshop for power engineers of AO SUEK took place within the program “Increasing efficiency of the energy complex of an enterprise”. This event was held by AO SUEK for the fourth consecutive time in a different Russian city.
This year, employees of OOO Becker Mining Systems RUS were invited as third party speakers and specialized experts in the field of power equipment. OOO Becker Mining Systems RUS specialists presented both, new and well-known developments of the Becker Mining Systems Group:
· Energy Distribution System - ENDIS 4.0
· Surface Collision Avoidance System – ICAS
· Proximity Detection System - PDS.
The first report of Becker specialists was devoted to the new generation of power electric equipment - Endis 4.0 product line, which was developed based on over 50 years of experience in operation and thorough consumer analysis all over the world. The audience learnt about new features introduced in the well-known and well-proven Endis equipment. First of all: flexibility and universality. Now a consumer has almost unlimited choice of configurations for compact stations, and it is possible to adjust the equipment for solving different tasks. At the same time, well known and highly appreciated features of the ENDIS range, which have been mentioned by miners from around the world have been preserved – quick-opening doors and modular design.
The second report, which was of great interest for the audience, was devoted to the ICAS Surface Collision Avoidance System. The system is intended for early warning of a driver and personnel of approaching vehicles or fixed objects. The core of the system is a reliable GPS technology, which provides circle protection of equipment, definition of all surrounding equipment and fixed infrastructure, which is also equipped with ICAS-products.
Within protection and alarm zones, vehicles and infrastructure are virtually represented on the driver's displays, in order to reduce the number of accidents due to a lack of awareness of the situation and insufficient time for reaction.
The last report was devoted to the important topic of underground safety. PDS Proximity Detection System was developed to prevent damages and fatal accidents of miners, who are within dangerous proximity of working mining vehicles. The system provides early warning to a vehicle’s driver in case of presence and number of workers and other vehicles in close proximity. The system provides two-way warning and informs of potential collisions. Patented three-technology system (UHF,
radar and electro-magnetic field) provides a scalable system, which is suitable for all types of tasks. As this is the only system in the world, which uses all three technologies at once, it is the most reliable and robust product on the market. The possibility to taylor your detection zone has proven on the market.
These topics raised great interest of over 30 employees of AO SUEK, taking part in this workshop. The audience expressed their interest in Becker Mining equipment.
ООО Becker Mining Systems RUS is grateful to AO SUEK for the invitation to the workshop and great organization of the event!