HPC-500 Contactor
The contactor module is intended for the supply and monitoring of electrical systems and loads.
The module type HPC500 / CB1000 forms together with the Device Control Unit a functional unit.
The contactor module is a compact unit with integrated control and monitoring electronics. The integrated control and monitoring electronics MPE-..-V55 (Module de Protection Electronique), are also termed protection module.
- Monitoring of output for overload and short-circuit
- Phase unbalance and phase failure monitoring
- Instantaneous clearing on low-ohm earth faults
- Earth-fault monitoring of disconnected outgoing feeder (earth-fault lock-out)
- Monitoring of monitoring/protective circuit
- Second monitoring/protective circuit for remote control
- Emergency Stop/Tripping monitoring (E-Stop)
- Reversing of 2 phases (for HPC500)
- Motor temperature monitoring (PT100, PT1000 and PTC)
- High-voltage insulation test (for HV model and 3.3 kV network only)
- Data communication with Device control unit in flameproof enclosure
HPC-500 Contactor: Product inquiry
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