Discover excellence with Becker Mining Systems
Becker Mining Systems is a leading supplier of mine winder attachments to the international mining industry, and has built a worldwide reputation for quality of design, manufacture and service. The product range covers the complete rope attachment requirements for any drum or friction winder as well as guide rope attachments, maintenance equipment, jack catch systems and shaft sinking attachments.
The company’s world-class design facility in Johannesburg, South Africa, can custom design rope attachments tailored to suit the application. Rope attachments are designed in a range to suit various safe working loads from 1 to 45 tons safe working loads per rope. Various tests are performed at critical stages of production to ensure that our high quality standards are met.
All Becker Rope Attachments comply with government mining regulations and international standards, they have been proven to exceed the design specifications in destruction tests carried out by the CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria, South Africa) Mine Hoisting Technology Research Unit. All safety critical load bearing rope attachments are proof load tested to 250% of the components rated safe working load and subjected to full magnetic particle and ultrasonic non destuctive testing.