On March 13, in Uzbekipaksanoat organisation of Tashkent city a business meeting took place between representatives of Russian and Uzbekistan business community. Heads of over 40 large companies, top managers and businessmen from Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan took part in it, including ООО Becker Mining Systems RUS.
The main goal of the meeting was creation and development of cooperation between businessmen of Uzbekistan and Russia, attracting of investors, exchange of experience in different branches of industry and business, and starting of production of export-oriented products. Representatives of interested ministeries and institutions took floor during the meeting, as well as Uzbekistan companies.
Director general of OOO BMS RUS Nadezhda Grosse took floor with a presentation regarding possibilities of the company in the field of realization of industrial program for winning enterprizes, as well as conducted negotiations with a range of companies. Largest mining companies of Uzbekistan Uzbekugol and Almalyk mining-and-metallurgical integrated works showed their interest to Becker equipment. The next step of development of relations with potential customers will be getting acquainted with Becker equipment during the fair Ugol Rossii & Mining - 2019, which will take place in the beginning of June in Novokuznetsk.